Thursday, 18 October 2012

Packaging the Jam

Here Ive thrown together some inspirational pics for the packaging. I want to keep with the traditional look of duerr's, so i looked towards farmers markets and home made, british jam.

Here are more examples of packaging designs:

And here is a mockup of the packaging:

Monday, 8 October 2012

Logo inspiration

Here Ive collected together different examples of logos for inspirations and research for the Duerr's logo:

I want to keep the duerr's logo recognisable to its original logo. The type face used should be similar  also the banner should be kept.

Here are some final mock ups of the logo. Unfortunately Ive misplaced the sketches.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Digital Painting continued

I made a post a while back about my wacom tablet, I also posted a digital painting I did using it. Since then Ive done a bunch more so heres a wee update on what Ive done.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Duerr's research continued


  • All feature the traditional red too represent the strawberry
  • All feature an image of the fruit
  • All use off white as a comparative colour
  • None feature any hand rendered elements which is usually featured on organic products

Here are some examples of different type faces that Im thinking of using with in rebranding:

The top left and bottom left I think are the strongest choices for this brief, Im thinking of going with a hand rendered style for the rebranding, packaging, so a typeface that will work well hand drawn would be the best.