Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Tuesday, 6 November 2012



Thursday, 18 October 2012

Packaging the Jam

Here Ive thrown together some inspirational pics for the packaging. I want to keep with the traditional look of duerr's, so i looked towards farmers markets and home made, british jam.

Here are more examples of packaging designs:

And here is a mockup of the packaging:

Monday, 8 October 2012

Logo inspiration

Here Ive collected together different examples of logos for inspirations and research for the Duerr's logo:

I want to keep the duerr's logo recognisable to its original logo. The type face used should be similar  also the banner should be kept.

Here are some final mock ups of the logo. Unfortunately Ive misplaced the sketches.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Digital Painting continued

I made a post a while back about my wacom tablet, I also posted a digital painting I did using it. Since then Ive done a bunch more so heres a wee update on what Ive done.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Duerr's research continued


  • All feature the traditional red too represent the strawberry
  • All feature an image of the fruit
  • All use off white as a comparative colour
  • None feature any hand rendered elements which is usually featured on organic products

Here are some examples of different type faces that Im thinking of using with in rebranding:

The top left and bottom left I think are the strongest choices for this brief, Im thinking of going with a hand rendered style for the rebranding, packaging, so a typeface that will work well hand drawn would be the best.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Another School Year

Starting off this new school year with a packaging redesign brief.
Ive chosen to rebrand Duerrs Jam.

Duerrs is one of the oldest Jam companies in England so Ill take that into account whilst doing research. Keeping it very traditional, but brought forward to 2012.

Here are some of the brands strengths:

  • Oldest Jam makers in Britain
  • Producing Jam for 130 years
  • Well established brand
  • Advertisement based on British heritage and independence

Whislt research and developing ideas, I want to keep in mind:

  • Heritage
  • Britishness
  • Country Feel
  • Traditional
Here are some examples of other Jams:

I bet you've been staring at a screen all morning, so Ive put them sideways to give you neck a little stretch.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Newcastle Medical Photography

For the logo I wanted to incorporate both the medical and photo-graphical aspects of the department. After many sketches and ideas I rested on the idea of a pill that also looks like a camera. I developed this idea into the finished result below.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Travis Millard

Travis Millard is an Illustrator whom I've always admired. His style is very unique and his vast imagination really shows in his work.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Newcastle Medical Photography

I've been tasked with designing a logo for a new department of the NHS, Newcastle Medical Photography. Here are some examples of other logos I found for my research.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Brothers Grimm

Here is a cover for book cover I did. Looking back at it the font I used for the blurb on the back doesnt really fit with the rest of the design.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

MoS sculpture

Once Id developed and idea I started to set it in motion. I created the big plastic medallion using a laser cutter.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Ministry of sound Research

For this project we are to design a poster for the ministry of sound.

To get a feel for what the going style was, I did some searching for posters and other artwork that I thought would work for this project.